Monday, August 24, 2009

How To Configure SSH Keys Authentication With PuTTY And Linux Server In 5 Quick Steps

How To Configure SSH Keys Authentication With PuTTY And Linux Server In 5 Quick Steps:

How To Configure SSH Keys Authentication With PuTTY And Linux Server In 5 Quick Steps

This tutorial explains how you can replace password-based SSH authentication with key-based authentication which is more secure because only the people that own the key can log in. In this example, we're using PuTTY as our SSH client on a Windows system.

Configuring Slony-I Cascading Replication On PostgreSQL 8.3

Configuring Slony-I Cascading Replication On PostgreSQL 8.3:

Configuring Slony-I Cascading Replication On PostgreSQL 8.3

This guide is aimed at users that would like to configure Slony-I to replicate a database from a master to a slave on different hosts.

Vim Basics

Vim Basics:

Vim Basics

This tutorial is going to speak about vim basic use. Vim is a powerful text editor used in CLI (command line interface). Because linux uses a lot of configuration files, you'll often need to edit them and vim is a great tool to do so.

Saturday, August 22, 2009